Process Diary

Lynda week 2

Dear Diary,

Things are moving along with wordpress. I’m learning a little more about how the dashboard works and navigating around it. There are still lots of terms to learn and understand. These answers should help you understand:

  1. What features can you change in “quick edit”? For all posts/pages you can change title, publishing date/time, author, password, category, tags, turn on/off comments, change status.
  2. When might you “bulk edit”? You can change all of the above in more than one post/page at a time.
  3. How are the filter features helpful on the index page for posts and pages?Makes it easier to find what page or post you are looking for quicker.
  4. Why does WordPress create different versions of an image you upload? It has a full size image and a thumbnail image
  5. What type of things can you do on an image edit page in the media library? Edit the description, details, where it links, if it has a comment section.
  6. What is the theme customizer and how can you use it? It is where you customize everything.  Logo, header options, colors, appearance, etc.
  7. How do you create your navigation within the WordPress admin? Customizer/ menu is where you can add social links and menu buttons. You can choose where they appear as well as if they go to a link, post, page. If they have a category or tag and format information. They are drag and drop to organize.
  8. What are two different ways to install different themes? You can install a theme from the customizer. There are current themes already in there and you can also add third party themes.
  9. What are plugins and how do you install them? Plugins add features and function to a site. From the admin panel you go to plugin directory and you can install them from there.
  10. How do you know if a plugin is trustworthy? You have to take the time to research it and you can check the reviews in the directory as well as searching for reviews online.
  11. What is the path from the root WordPress folder to your theme folder? (In other words, where does the theme folder live? Online in a URL wp-admin/themes
  12. Explain the different types of users? What type of access does each user role have? Subscriber – registered user only Contributor – writes posts but cant publish or do anything else. Author – same as contributor but can publish/edit/and delete own posts. Editor – same as author but can also create/edit/delete other people’s content. Admin – full control
  13. What are some features you can change in general settings? Title, icon, email, membership, new user default role, timezone, date format, date format, time format, week starts on, language, writing/reading settings, media settings
  14. What are permalinks? Links you see in the URL when you visit content on a site.

Well that’s what I learned this week! I hope you’re getting all of this Diary! 🙂

It’s been a long day so nighty night,


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